Regenerative beauty goes further

"Your body is intrinsically connected to the body of the planet". - Eduardo Cáceres Salgado, co-founder of Mas Newen, a regenerative body cosmetics company, and Kodkod Foundation, an NGO whose mission is to regenerate and rehabilitate the ecosystem of the Rapel River estuary bioregion in Chile.

We could describe regenerative beauty as a link between our bodies and the planet. It aims to be an agent of a healthier environment, going beyond sustainability and the low impact it has on the ecology. In fact, it aims to have a strong (and positive!) impact, thanks to practices that contribute to the renewal of biodiversity, the improvement of living conditions, the enrichment of local economies...

To achieve this, it takes greater account of the impact that a product's entire value chain could have on society, from its composition to its end-of-life, via eco-friendly packaging, a totally "green" composition, transparency and traceability of asset withdrawals or reasoned distribution channels...

... The key stages

  • Packaging : the absence of harmful and/or toxic waste is also one of the characteristics of regenerative cosmetics. Packaging and wrapping are in the firing line.

    There are a number of natural alternatives to plastic - derived from petroleum - such as plant fibers (bamboo, wood fibers, etc.) and PLA (polyacid), a biodegradable material often used as a substitute.

    It is also possible to recover off-cuts of wood, plants and other natural components that do not need to be produced, but rather recycled as waste.

  • Formulation : incorporating natural ingredients whose cultivation would improve the quality of the soil and the seabed is an essential feature of regenerative cosmetics. Through their cultivation, they promote the life and survival of an entire ecosystem. Once buried, recycled or composted, they will regenerate ecosystems thanks to their beneficial and environmentally regenerative active ingredients.

    NB: depending on where they are grown or extracted, ingredients and raw materials are sometimes grown on regenerative farms.

  • Benefits for the skin : not only "good" for the environment, cosmetics derived from regenerative farming are also "good" for the skin. Their use is without risk to human health, since their composition is of natural origin.

In conclusion, regenerative beauty is a win-win bet for the environment and society. The end consumer feels no guilt or compromise when using this type of product. They feel truly committed to a strong mode of consumption that goes beyond sustainability, towards a "regenerative" model that gives back to the planet what has been taken from it.

Meeting our needs and those of the planet are the challenges of tomorrow's cosmetics.


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